First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

Disciple Men.

The Disciple Men love to

fellowship and work with each

other.  The second Saturday of

each month the men meet at

The Big Rig 2 Restaurant at 8

a.m.  to have breakfast

together and catch up on

current events.  Special

projects and Bible Study are

part of the group as well.

Disciple Women.

The Disciple Women have been

known for their generosity in

mission work locally, nationally

and internationally.  Meeting

needs both in and out of the

church building, Disciple

Women are strong in service

and compassion for those in


A fundraiser “Trash and

Treasure” Yard Sale is done in

early February to provide

monies for the church Youth

Group expenses and to provide

scholarships for the youth

going to Summer Church Camp

at The Retreat in Silver Springs. 

They also provide support for

fellowship dinners, picnics and

other events.

 as the                     

Youth Group.                                    

The Youth Group at FCC is

currently not meeting.  We are

looking for a different way to

provide meaningful spiritual

gatherings to all young people

who may be interested.  If you

are interested in this new

ministry development, please

contact the church office.

Serving Together.

Small Groups with Common Interests Support Each Other.

We have a number of small groups that have a common interest.  Men and women’s

groups meet regularly to do projects, Bible study and enjoy the opportunity to spend

time with friends.  Some ministry groups meet weekly and new small groups form as

the need and interest arise.  Painting classes and exercise classes are just a couple

examples of these interest groups.

Copyright © 2017 First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) of DeLand
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
© 2018 First Christian Church                           (Disciples of Christ) in DeLand, FL

Disciple Men.

The Disciple Men love to fellowship and work

with each other.  The second Saturday of each

month the men meet at The Big Rig 2

Restaurant at 8 a.m.  to have breakfast

together and catch up on current events. 

Special projects and Bible Study are part of the

group as well.

Disciple Women.

The Disciple Women have been known for

their generosity in mission work locally,

nationally and internationally.  Meeting needs

both in and out of the church building, Disciple

Women are strong in service and compassion

for those in need.   

A fundraiser “Trash and Treasure” Yard Sale is

done in early February to provide monies for

the church Youth Group expenses and to

provide scholarships for the youth going to

Summer Church Camp at The Retreat in Silver

Springs.  They also provide support for

fellowship dinners, picnics and other events.

 as the                     

Youth Group.                                     The Youth

Group at FCC is currently not meeting.  We are

looking for a different way to provide

meaningful spiritual gatherings to all young

people who may be interested.  If you are

interested in this new ministry development,

please contact the church office.



Small Groups with Common

Interests Support Each


We have a number of small groups that have a

common interest.  Men and women’s groups

meet regularly to do projects, Bible study and

enjoy the opportunity to spend time with

friends.  Some ministry groups meet weekly

and new small groups form as the need and

interest arise.  Painting classes and exercise

classes are just a couple examples of these

interest groups.

Disciple Youth.

Vibrant energy and love for Jesus makes this group special: Kindergarten aged children through high school age work as a group Parents, Grandparents and Caregivers assist the youth in projects Meetings held after church on the first Sunday of the month Lunch is provided Youth work together on service projects each month Recent projects include packing shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child and Christmas Caroling bringing home-baked cookies to shut-ins.